IndyMill is an open-source CNC machine designed with simplicity and ease of build in mind. Its construction is mostly made of metal and thanks to the use of popular, standardized components is easy to build worldwide.
IndyMill Bare Steel Plates Kit$129,00
IndyShield – CNC Arduino Shield$10,00
ORP Robotics Chassis$45,00
Powder Coating Gun$109,00
IndyMill 3D Printed Parts$59,00

All projects are easy to build, extra work put towards documentation

Open source from the beginning to the end.

Well-thought-out designs. Simple is beautiful.
Other projects:

Indystry is my new long term project. I want to create open-source machines and share them with everyone around the world so that making and manufacturing will become cheaper. We no longer need expensive monopolistic solutions! These days we need professional inexpensive solutions that are open and easy to fix. It’s not only good for us, it’s also good for our environment. Who knows maybe something that I am starting now just as a small project will become a huge thing one day

The meaning of a new Indystry logo is to present the curved path to any successful project as well as the perspective that you need to keep in mind when doing any kind of open-source work. INDY is put in bold to emphasize independence and different approach to projects in general. The logo is a result of a long design process where over 30 different icons were created. Designed by Nikodem Bartnik